
Want to Help?

We welcome anyone who is interested in helping with this project.  We would love to involve the residents of Vilas, Cove Creek, Bethel, and Zionville as much as possible in this process so they take stewardship of this project as well.  There is an efficient proposal for volunteer coordinating which, if implemented correctly, will keep the burden of this project from falling any one person or church.  If you are an individual or part of a club, church or committee that would have interest in this project please let us know. Simply give us your name, number and email and we will contact you shortly.

CLICK HERE for a volunteer form.

Check donations can be made out to Western Watauga Food Outreach.

Volunteer Information

When you volunteer, you may do so as a Team Leader or a Team Member.
Team Leader - Help with coordination of team members, delivering food, etc.
Team Member - Help with packing food bags, general volunteering, etc.

Every Thursday is a meal day, where team members and leaders assist with distributing food. The 4th Thursday of every month, Team Leaders assist with deliving food to the Community Center, and Team Members assist with packing food for distribution.